How to soft delete your account, please follow the following steps:
Go into your Glamic mobile app
This is going to be a soft delete of your account. To anonymize and delete your account please read How to anonymize and delete account your account.
Tap on Menu in the bottom right
Tap on Manage account on the top left
Tap on Delete My Account
Confirm deletion
How we handle your data after deletion:
Normal practice is to soft delete your account. Which means, we keep your basic data so the app functions as normal. (example others users need to see their transactions that they have conducted with you. therefore we need to keep your data so we are able to display such transactions normally.
We cannot hard delete data, what we can do is annonmize your account so your history with other users is annonmized.
How to anonymize and delete account:
If you like to be annonmized before soft delete you must:
Go to Glamic mobile app
Make sure you are logged in
Tap on Side menu button in the bottom right
Tap on Report a Problem
Write the in the text box you would like to have your account to be deleted and anonymized.
If you already deleted your account and would like to be anonymized then email us at: from the same email your account is setup under requesting to be anonymized.